It seems that blogging may be the new way that the world gets its information and even how people find out about what is going on in their friend's lives, rather than conversations.
I must say that I am as much afraid of this new medium as I am a part of it.
A number of people I know are getting blogs now, but why do we read them? Do they present important information, or are they just a convenient way to catch up on friends?
Some professors of mine have even presented the notion that blogging could replace media outlets that are dying like newspapers. But where would we be without paid journalists who go to Washington D.C. and other countries to tell us what is going on in the world? Do we trust those who are not trying to be unbias to deliver the news?
I realize that many people complain about the "bias of media" on a daily basis. The problem with these complaints is that there is no solution. Everything has some level of bias, but what I don't think people realize is that journalists are typically very concerned with their level of integrity and don't want to be bias.
Are we going to trust the future to untrained journalists that don't feel any requirement to be unbias? How will we know what is really going on in the world?
So how do we save the media in the US? As much as people hate it, isn't it necessary so we can keep a watchful eye on our democratic government so we can make educated guesses on who will be the best leaders?