Monday, December 28, 2009


I was reflecting back on my year and so much has happened. I thought the time had gone too quickly but it seems that a lot of things were accomplished.

This year I...
started it with Super Mario
attended the taping of The Price is Right
went wine tasting in San Luis Obispo
danced at Lavo in Las Vegas
visited friends (like family) in Oregon
ran out of a haunted maze in LA
lost my faith in men
dated someone who plays guitar (and almost wrote a song about me)
spent Thanksgiving in Utah with my family and was there for my Grandma's 80th birthday
kissed someone (I didn't think I would)
modeled for a photo shoot twice
got my make-up done by a professional
saw 500 Days of Summer and Sherlock Holmes
moved out of my parent's house into an apartment
drank eggnog with rum (the real kind)
loved someone who wouldn't love me back

Next year I will...
be more honest about my feelings
love in a kinder manner
spend more time with my family
graduate from college
intern in Africa (hopefully)
get a new apartment that isn't infested with ants and has working hot water
take more pictures
tithe regularly
dedicate more time to reflection with God
make more meals at home
write stories more often (and get them published)
find my personal style

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Journalism Jobs

I am graduating in May.
After that I am hopefully going to Africa to intern for a month.
After that I have nowhere to go.

Looking for journalism jobs is depressing.
I saw one person on craigslist who was offering 10 dollars per week to blog.
That was all.
How am I going to live on $10 a week for the rest of my life?

I am freaking out a little bit.

God please remind me that you lie me down in green pastures.
That you are my source of comfort.